
How to handle leaves Delinquent

Posted on: October 6, 2009

How to handle leaves Delinquent

“Leaf so essential element in Anthurium. Uuntuk that the existence of this never escape from the special care and attention. All the way done in order to maintain health and life”

Several months ago, someone buy cobra youth with the price of Rp 3 million rupiah.  As a beginner hobbys, people confess still confused what to do and not what he should do. In that case, the method of knowing that very minimal. For him, sprinkling and fertilization may have been enough to indulge anthurium.

But a few weeks one, not the beauty that he can, begin it leaves visible cloudiness. The original green leaf, the more slowly and yellow curls. See the incident, the people was panic. Seemingly not know what he did, and the intensity of sprinkling fertilization is even added, in order to meet the nutritional needs of plants.

Bad luck, not healing and well-being that he can, some days one, leaves start changing anthurium solid yellow and finally fall. Pain radiated clearly disappointed in the face. Section, not the price that people repentance, to hope that plants  grow large and can not be perfect. Isn’T good growth, reaching seven-leaf plants are not able to survive.

problem faced people that you also may have experienced. Especially for the new few months the king leaves origin is Brazil. Lack of knowledge about the care up to the pattern and intensity sprinkling fertilization, creating expectations of Anthurium on something so disappointing. In fact, high prices, not rarely make someone so paranoid of the treatment

“Some people put the expensive plants in this room for special quarantined and dissociate in contact with other people or other types of plants, so that the plant is not damaged”

Unfortunately, actions taken in excess without any knowledge of foundation this is not recommended. For, reasonable the other plants, Anthurium life can not be separated from environmental factors and air circulation is good.

Environmental factors usually affect the temperature, temperature, humidity and lighting system up to the environment. Meanwhile, the air circulation system, including the wind and go out and scale the wind speed is suggested. A good lighting system is about 60%, with the humidity and high temperatures tend to be between 200 to 270 C. Therefore if you want to quarantined Anthurium, should see some of these requirements if you do not want to upset in the future.

In addition to creating a paranoid Anthurium quarantined, over treatment is also not that good for Anthurium. Intention-hearted might want to spoil Anthurium, but who even suspected this action so that Boomerang can attack plants at any time.

Generally, signs that often appear on the leaves caused because the treatment is over so leaves change color yellow. Next, the yellow leaves that slowly change color so dry and brown. If the stage is already happening, then in a matter of a few days, leaves will be damaged and perforated.

” Nothing can be done to deal with leaves that are yellow, other than waiting the coming new leaf and avoid repeated occurrence of this leaves the other “

“Therefore, before deciding as Anthurium plant that will be maintained, would that if you find a little information about the treatment. Because, in general, tend Anthurium is easy-easy to difficult. If you already know how, Anthurium delightful treat. And vice versa, without knowing the care, maintenance activities often be frustrating

Heat intensity and Fertilizers

Yellow leaves on Anthurium not always good. If the type of variegata yellow even more expensive, but if the yellow color due to illness on Anthurium can lower the selling price and prestige. Too often contemplate the sun and too much fertilizer so one of the suspected causes of yellow leaves change. “Like food, all that excess is not good.

That is different from the type variegata, which appear yellow because of illness appear different. If the type of variegata yellow leaves that still looks fresh, yellow leaves on the sick will be seen more dismal. In addition, not infrequently on the surface of the leaves that sick yellow akan feels very rough, because of some of the damaged part.

“Fertilization basically do not need every days. Fair 1-2 times a week. The process of fertilization is usually done with the composition 10 CC fertilizer mixed with 8 liters of water and do not apling once in 4 days”

Please note, this process should be done properly and excess. For, if the rules without changing the plant will quickly yellow. In addition, the use of slow release fertilizer should be provided for once in 6 months.

Besides fertilization, sunlight and temperature extremes will change so yellow leaves. As well as skin burn, the sun can also damage the fragmentation and pigmentasi health Anthurium leaf. The time is right for the season is around the plant at 08.00 till 10:00, where the sun is not blazing. If this is not done, then the plants will be quickly damaged.

However, in addition to several factors, the yellow color on Anthurium also occur due to age factor. Generally, Anthurium already out of ear dnegan offset automatically changing the color yellow on the leaves.

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October 2009